The Ancient Order of Hibernians Hartford Division 2 dedicated the Irish Canal Workers Memorial in Windsor Locks, Conn., on Sunday, March 20.The memorial honors the 400 immigrant laborers who left their homeland in Ireland and came to the area between May 1827 and November 1829 to build the canal bypassing the treacherous Enfield Rapids. In particular, the memorial honors those canal workers and family members that are buried in an unmarked cemetery that is located about 100 yards and across the canal from where the memorial is placed.The fundraising for the memorial came from gifts as large … [Read more...] about Irish Canal Workers Memorial Dedication – Hartford, Connecticut Division #2
AOH Suffolk County (NY) Board – Irish-American Heritage Month
On Saturday Mach 12, 2022 AOH Suffolk County President, Bill Gorham received a proclamation from Suffolk County Executive, Steve Bellone. County Executive Bellone (who is a Hibernian Brother from Suffolk County's Division 2), stated; "on behalf of the 1.5 million residents of Suffolk County, I officially proclaim that March 2022 is Irish American Heritage Month here in Suffolk County. We celebrate and recognize the rich history and the many contributions of the Irish and Irish-Americans over the years here in our County". President Gorham proudly accepted this proclamation … [Read more...] about AOH Suffolk County (NY) Board – Irish-American Heritage Month
Fundraising Complete for Irish Canal Workers Memorial in Windsor Locks, Conn.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Hartford Division 2 has successfully completed fundraising to build a monument to remember a forgotten Irish-Catholic cemetery in Windsor Locks, Conn.The memorial will honor the 400 immigrant laborers who left their homeland in Ireland and came to the area between May 1827 and November 1829 to build the canal bypassing the treacherous Enfield Rapids.In particular, the memorial will remember those canal workers and family members that are buried in an unmarked cemetery that is located about 100 yards and across the canal from where the memorial will be … [Read more...] about Fundraising Complete for Irish Canal Workers Memorial in Windsor Locks, Conn.
Hartford Division 2 Holds Christmas Toy/Gift Card Drive
AOH Hartford collected over four carloads of toys for Saint Augustine’s in Hartford. Hartford Division 2 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held a successful Toy/Gift Card Drive on Saturday, December 11. Four carloads of toys were collected in addition to over $500 worth of gift cards. The collection took place at Christ the King Parish in Wethersfield and benefitted The Helping Hands Project at Saint Augustine Parish in the south end of Hartford. The generosity of those that donated will make Christmas brighter for many families in Connecticut’s capital city. Hartford AOH has been … [Read more...] about Hartford Division 2 Holds Christmas Toy/Gift Card Drive
Suffolk County, NY – St. Patrick’s Division 2 Celebrates 75th Anniversary
On October 6, 1946, St. Patrick’s Division 2 of Suffolk County, NY was organized by Michael Rice, who hailed originally from County Mayo. Twenty-four members were initiated at the first meeting. 75-years later, St. Patrick’s Division 2 has become the largest Division in Suffolk County (with approximately 450 members. Mike Rice’s vision of a Division dedicated to our Catholic Faith, Irish heritage and culture; a Division that aids the hungry and less fortunate, and a Division that lives our motto of Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity every day! The Division held a … [Read more...] about Suffolk County, NY – St. Patrick’s Division 2 Celebrates 75th Anniversary
President’s Testimonial Dinner & Sean MacBride Award Presentation
The National Board and Hibernian Charity board convened in Youngstown Ohio for the President's testimonial dinner and the presentation of the 2021 Sean MacBride Award to Geraldine Finucane. More Videos: Past Sean MacBride Award Recipients Congratulate Geraldine Finucane The gathering started with a meal and team building event at a great local restaurant the MVR whose bocce courts allowed for good fun and intense competition amongst the members. Two full days of meetings commenced early Friday morning where every chair, director and board member … [Read more...] about President’s Testimonial Dinner & Sean MacBride Award Presentation
Proud of our Heritage
The St. Brendan the Navigator Parade & Festival, a celebration of Irish Heritage, was sponsored by Division 17, Long Beach, Nassau County, New York on Oct. 2. Nassau County Hibernians gathered for the parade and festival on Oct. 2. Long Beach (NY) Hibernian officers, parade committee members and the Division Color Guard — as well as New York AOH State President John Manning — gathered for a photo before the Parade & Festival. … [Read more...] about Proud of our Heritage
Nassau holds successful Feis
The Nassau County Hibernians sponsored a marvelous 49th Annual Feis & Irish Festival on the South Shore of Long Island, on Sept. 19. The extremely well attended event was organized by Feis Chairman Michael Byrne and a host of Hibernians who served as the Feis Committee. This year’s honoree was John O’Connell, AOH National Editor. National Editor John O’Connell was the Honoree of this year’s Nassau Hibernians’ Feis & Festival. At the Feis Award ceremonies were, from left, MC Donal Mahoney, Chairman Mike Byrne, Honoree John O’Connell, Nassau LAOH President Maureen Caffrey and … [Read more...] about Nassau holds successful Feis
Pride in the Pit BBQ – AOH Nashville – Sons of Erin Division
The Pride in the Pit is an annual BBQ contest held on Homecoming weekend at Father Ryan High School in Nashville, Tennessee. This year the event returned on October 1st after a year’s absence. All proceeds for the highly successful event benefited Father Ryan High School mission trips. AOH Nashville Sons of Erin Division members David Kennedy, Brian Philbin and TommyRagsdale participate in the Pride in the Pit BBQ contest … [Read more...] about Pride in the Pit BBQ – AOH Nashville – Sons of Erin Division
NYS AOH Remembers Members Lost on 9/11
The New York State Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held a Memorial Mass at St. Peter’s Church, in lower Manhattan, on Sept. 25, at which they unveiled a special plaque in honor of the Hibernians lost on 9/11/01. NY AOH Chaplain Fr. Henry Reid said the Mass. The event was conceived of and planned by NYS AOH President John Manning, with the help of many other Hibernians. NJ AOH President Richard O’Brien, North Carolina AOH President Chris Cooke and PA AOH President Ed Dougherty, and Ladies AOH NY State VP Regina Begley also participated. The Hibernian Singers served as the choir at the … [Read more...] about NYS AOH Remembers Members Lost on 9/11
2022 AOH Ireland Tour
Working with Derry Blue Badge Tours we have once again put together a historical/political and educational tour of the North for 2022 to include participation in the 50th anniversary commemoration of Bloody Sunday. This trip is open to all AOH and LAOH members and guests. Availability is limited to first 50 paid travelers; reservations will only be held based on receipt of non-refundable deposits. Itinerary and costs below may be updated depending on availability and attendance. Total cost is $1400 double occupancy and includes all ground transportation while in the Ireland***, ten … [Read more...] about 2022 AOH Ireland Tour
St. Patrick’s Division 2 – Suffolk County, NY Brother Jack McCormick is inducted into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame
Jack McCormick joined by AOH Brothers as he was inducted into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame. From Left to Right; Jim Kavanaugh, Jack McCormick, Jim Killen, and Bob Farrell On May 22, 2021 on his 89th birthday, Hibernian Brother Jack McCormick was inducted into the New York State Veteran’s Hall of Fame. NYS Senator Phil Boyle (also a Hibernian Brother) bestowed the honor on Brother McCormick for his selfless service to our country, which spanned 40-years. Jack McCormick joined the US Marines during the Korean War and was involved at the Battle of Inchon in September … [Read more...] about St. Patrick’s Division 2 – Suffolk County, NY Brother Jack McCormick is inducted into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame
Hartford Division 2 – Irish-American Home Society (IAHS) Capital Campaign Donation
Hartford Division 2 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians presented a gift to the Irish-American Home Society (IAHS) Capital Campaign on Friday, June 11. The IAHS, located in Glastonbury, Conn., is the home for our Division’s monthly meetings and its members are supportive of our efforts, especially our food drives. The IAHS building is in dire need of critical repairs to its major infrastructure, including its heating and cooling system, upstairs kitchen and bar, and downstairs kitchen and bar. Accessibility must be brought to current standards to ensure all members can enjoy the home for … [Read more...] about Hartford Division 2 – Irish-American Home Society (IAHS) Capital Campaign Donation
Commemoration of the 1981 Hunger Strikers
Brothers from around the state of Connecticut gathered in Hartford on Saturday, May 8, for the 40th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1981 Hunger Strikers. The event was sponsored by Irish Northern Aid of Connecticut and held at Bobby Sand Circle. The memorial, which was dedicated in 1997, is the only one of its kind in the United States. The keynote speaker for the ceremony was Brother Martin Galvin, the chairman of FFAI for AOH. He gave a passionate talk on Sands and all the Hunger Strikers, and also the state of affairs in Ireland at the present time. Brothers from Divisions in … [Read more...] about Commemoration of the 1981 Hunger Strikers
Catholic Calendar – May 2021
To All Hibernians: The month of May is traditionally a month dedicated to Mary. This year May falls within the Easter season, the liturgical color being white, except on Pentecost Sunday, when it is red. The Ascension of the Lord, a solemnity and holy day of obligation, falls this year on May 13. Many dioceses of the United States transfer the Ascension to the following Sunday. The Monday following Pentecost Sunday is a memorial of Mary, the Mother of the Church, added to the calendar by Pope Francis in 2018. Though this is a new memorial, actual devotion to Mary as Mother of the Church is … [Read more...] about Catholic Calendar – May 2021
St. Patrick’s Division 2 of Babylon, NY Installs Jr. Boys Officers
St. Patrick’s Division 2 of Suffolk County, NY installation of officers took place on Sunday, April 18 th at their Hibernian Hall in Babylon, NY. The installation was initially set for this past January but due to COVID-19 precautions the installation was postponed to a safer date. The installation was attended by St. Patrick’s Division 2 President, Jim Killen and Vice President, Dennis Harty (who is the Junior Boys coordinator). Also in attendance was Suffolk County, NY President, Chris Thompson; Suffolk County. NY immediate past President, Jerry Belmont; Suffolk County, NY Recording … [Read more...] about St. Patrick’s Division 2 of Babylon, NY Installs Jr. Boys Officers
Michael Edmiston honored in PA for his many years of dedicated service
A Charter member since 2000, Michael Edmiston, was honored by the Michael Collins Division 1 of Cumberland County, PA for his many years of service to the AOH as he plans to move to another part of Pennsylvania. The Division honored Michael at their regular April meeting. Michael has been instrumental in coordinating our semi-annual Gettysburg trips to keep Irish Brigade monuments in pristine shape. Additionally, Michael has been our historian for the past 10+ years, always providing valuable insight at every meeting regarding past events in Irish - American history. Michael was honored … [Read more...] about Michael Edmiston honored in PA for his many years of dedicated service
Hartford AOH Calendar Raffle Benefits Parade, Hole in the Wall Gang Camp and Local Charities
Hartford AOH Division recently completed its March Calendar Raffle, which is annually one of its major fundraisers. Despite COVD-19, the Division was able to raise $2,500 from the raffle, which features a daily cash prize each day during March. The Division donated $1,000 to the Central Connecticut Celtic Cultural Committee for the 2022 Hartford Saint Patrick’s Day parade. Like most parades, the Hartford event has not taken place the past two years, but we will march again in 2022! A $500 gift was presented to help rebuild the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, a center serving children and … [Read more...] about Hartford AOH Calendar Raffle Benefits Parade, Hole in the Wall Gang Camp and Local Charities
Live On—–Parade On in Melbourne, FL
The 31st annual Downtown Melbourne Florida St. Patrick’s Day Parade resumed after being cancelled in 2020. Under the direction of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Division, Brevard County President and parade chairman Todd McDonald. For the first time in many years the parade started promptly at 11 am. Joining us this year were National AOH Organizer and New York State Director Timothy McSweeney, National Director for Florida and State President Ray Lynch and AOH members of Indian River and Orange County Divisions. Ladies AOH members from Brevard and Indian River County also … [Read more...] about Live On—–Parade On in Melbourne, FL
Division 4 Celebrates St Patrick’s Day with Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Paul
Minnesota Archbishop John Ireland Division 4 Ramsey County celebrated St Patrick's Day with our annual Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Paul. Our division was honored to have the Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, the Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda as the Celebrant. Pictured in the photo is the Archbishop with our scholarship winners who are of Irish descent from area Catholic High Schools. This year's scholarship winners are Jake Donahue from Cretin Derham, Aidan Walsh and Sheila Ryan from St Agnes and Sam Lehner from Hill-Murray(not pictured). Our division is proud that we were again … [Read more...] about Division 4 Celebrates St Patrick’s Day with Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Paul