The Ancient Order of Hibernians The Oldest and Largest Irish-Catholic Organization in the United States. Established 1836 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:55:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ancient Order of Hibernians 32 32 August-September, 2022 – VA Mission Act and the Asset & Infrastructure Review Commission Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:55:49 +0000 Brothers, what a tremendous experience at the 2022 AOH National Convention in Pittsburgh this past July! The work of the Host Committee was first-rate, and I am appreciative for the opportunity to renew the bonds of fellowship with my Brother Hibernians, especially my fellow veterans, from across the nation. It was a particular honor to meet the John F. Kennedy Award recipient, Rocky Bleier, an Army veteran of the Vietnam War, as well as his teammate and Marine Corps veteran John Banaszak.
The Convention also afforded me the opportunity to meet Romel Nicholas of the National Flag Foundation, also an AOH member, who has led efforts in Congress supporting legislation to create a

National Purple Heart Registry.

Veteran Services Spotlight: VA MISSION Act and the Asset & Infrastructure Review Commission The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) Commission was established by the 2018 MISSION Act. The MISSION Act required VA to conduct periodic and intensive reviews of facility usage, veteran enrollment, and veteran population trends to determine where it made sense to close or revise the use of facilities, expand existing facilities, or build new facilities.
As required by the MISSION Act, the VA prepared and published their first report in March 2022 to outline their findings and recommendations. Those recommendations were to be considered by an AIR Commission appointed, at least in part, by the United States Senate. When published, the recommendations caused a predictable amount of consternation among veterans in those communities where specific VA facilities were proposed for reduction in size, service, or would be closed entirely.
Following further Congressional reviews, including bi-partisan Senate meetings with VA Secretary Denis McDonough, national Veteran Organizations, and local veterans, Senate leaders decided NOT to appoint their delegates to the AIR Commission itself. This administrative action by the US Senate will bring this iteration of the MISSION Act AIR process to an end and renders the recommendations contained in the March 2022 AIR Commission Report moot. Veterans across the US can remain confident that their local VA facilities will be there to support their care for years to come.

Veterans Affairs Committee Member Feature: Leo McGuire, New Jersey

In this edition of the Digest, we recognize Brother Leo P. McGuire of New Jersey. Leo served as an Army Military Policeman, joining right after high school, eventually serving in Germany with the 3rd Battalion, 71st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, during the Cold War. After his military service, he entered a career in law enforcement culminating his career as Sheriff of Bergen County, the largest county in the State of New Jersey. Leo was honored as an Irish Echo Belfast International Ambassador and he maintains significant relationships with local leaders in the north of Ireland. He also devotes his time as the New Jersey State Vice Chair for the Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve, a DOD Program that helps ensure Reserve and Guard military members can maintain their civilian careers through multiple deployment and training requirements. Leo is a long-time AOH Brother and serves as Vice President for the New Jersey State Board. For all his work in support of the AOH and the military/veteran community: Thank you, Brother McGuire!

All members, especially veterans and VA Chairs, are encouraged to participate in VA Committee meetings held online the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm ET. Please contact me directly for details. Also, check out the resources listed on the AOH Veterans Affairs website at affairs. GARRYOWEN!

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Hibernian 101 – Veterans Affairs Chairman Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:49:37 +0000 National Constitution

VETERANS AFFAIRS CHAIRMAN: Section 22. Shall: Serve to provide information and advice for members of the Order who currently serve, or who have served, in the United States military. The chairman shall focus primarily in areas pertaining to Veteran’s benefits, advocacy, and the development and maintenance of a historical record of Hibernians that have served. The individual appointed to this position shall be an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces or an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces

Provide Information & Advice

Written monthly reports distributed via email as part of your report process are the best means to fulfill this responsibility. Each month I file a report to my division and state boards that are published statewide and locally. My division reports are published by email as part of our monthly meeting notices distributed by the division President. My state reports are distributed statewide via email by the State Board Secretary and as part of the State Newsletter. I strongly encourage all state, county, and division leaders and VA chairs to distribute information in those reports as broadly to the membership as possible. Non-veteran members of our Order often have family members or friends who are veterans and are in a good position to share benefits or support information to those they care for. It is also important for your VA Chairman to be an active member of the division to be visible and available to help not only our veteran brothers, but also advise members who have veterans in their families.

Maintain a Historical Record of Hibernians That Have Served

The National AOH Veteran Lapel Pin and Membership Card Identifier was implemented by the National Board in 2019. The express purpose of these two initiatives is to encourage veterans in our Order to identify themselves so that their service can be honored, and divisions can record their veteran status as part of the AOH membership database. It is important that Financial Secretaries work with their division leadership to identify the veteran status of prospective members on their application and ensure that information is included as their details are reported to the National Secretary. The online Form 41 member application form includes the veteran status identifier on the form, but there may be old PDF/paper versions of that form used that do not have the latest updates. Therefore, it is important for Financial Secretaries, Standing Committee Chairs, and Presidents remain proactive in “asking in the question” to potential members re. their veteran status. Divisions should also work to identify current members who have not been previously identified as veterans. Recognition events and the annual membership renewal process are opportunities to accomplish this task.

National AOH Veterans Affairs Committee & Website

The National VA Committee has been established and meets via Zoom every third Tuesday of each month at 7pm ET. Any brother, veteran or civilian, is encouraged to attend and VA Chairs are strongly encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in receiving regular updates regarding those committee meetings should contact me directly. The National Board also maintains a section dedicated to AOH Veterans Affairs on the national website at The site includes key links to veteran benefits and services resources. Garryowen!

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