The Ancient Order of Hibernians The Oldest and Largest Irish-Catholic Organization in the United States. Established 1836 Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:28:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ancient Order of Hibernians 32 32 Charities and Missions Update – April 2020 Thu, 02 Apr 2020 11:08:02 +0000 As we all do our best to stay healthy, pray for those brothers and sisters impacted by the Covid-19 virus, we are looking forward to our convention in July. The Charities and Missions report at the convention will focus on a summary of the good works of The Order, the timelines and requirements for submissions of local, county, and state reports. We will also highlight potential changes in regard to a common reporting template, hourly rates for volunteer time and who we can count in our submissions for volunteer time. I would also encourage anyone who has questions or suggestions regarding our Charities and Missions efforts to email me at

The Covid-19 virus has, like any other crisis, brought out the best of our Hibernian Sisters and Brothers. Efforts to coordinate deliveries to those in need have been established by Hibernians in localities across our nation. Some through Parishes, in coordination with Catholic Charities, and other Irish American Organizations. We are always there for those in need, whether it be financial assistance, prayerful support, restocking of food pantries, or basic household needs, our brothers and sisters are delivering what is needed, with their own hands and vehicles to those in need. I’d like to thank any and all those offerings of a little and a lot in this time of great need. I am looking forward to sharing a report of our activities and hearing your ideas for more at our biennial convention in July at the beautiful Rosen Center in Orlando, Florida.

Please make use of our Hibernian Charities for your financial donations by sending checks made out to Hibernian Charities using the memo line for direction to Project St. Patrick, Disaster Relief, Hibernian Hunger, Study Abroad Scholarships, Irish History, Medal of Honor Grove or leave blank for distribution to be decided by the Hibernian Charities Board of Trustees. Send to:

    Hibernian Charity
    PO Box 19325
    New Orleans, LA 70179

Or through PayPal, by sending money to Also, if you use Amazon for your online shopping needs, please sign into and use for your purchases and choose Hibernian Charity as the charity you would like a percentage of your purchase amount to benefit.

Rituals And Degrees Update – March, 2020 Sat, 07 Mar 2020 15:15:21 +0000 from Jack Schneider, National Chairman Rituals & Degrees …

La Fheile Padraig! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!

Major Degree activities have gotten off to a rapid start in 2020. We note the following Major Degrees held to date.

Pennsylvania’s Isle of Erin Major Degree Team (MDT), celebrating their 25th Anniversary Year, got things off to a start this year with the first Major Degree at the historic Michael Dougherty Bucks County Division 1 Clubhouse in Bristol, PA on February 9. At this Degree, 27 Brothers were welcomed into the Inner Chamber of Hibernian Brotherhood.

The following weekend, the Tri Abhainn MDT of Allegheny County PA, the Order’s newest MDT, completed exemplification of their third Major Degree with 18 candidates receiving the Lessons and taking the Test of the Order on February 15 in Carnegie, PA.

Most recently, the Order’s longest tenured MDT, the Schenectady New York MDT, currently celebrating their milestone 100th Year of continued operation, conferred the Major Degree upon 11 candidates in a ceremony at the CDIAA Hall in Albany, NY on February 29, hosted by Father Henry Tansey Albany County Division 5.

11 Candidates (foreground) received their Major Degrees in a ceremony in Albany, NY on Feb. 29, 2020 exemplified by Schenectady Major Degree Team (background) with National Chairman of Rituals & Degrees, Jack Schneider, (third row, left) in attendance.

Upcoming Major Degrees of the Order:

Sat. March 28 – Virginia State Board Meeting, Brian Boru MDT (VA)

Sat., April 4; 12 Noon – Commodore John Barry Arts and Cultural Center, 6815 Emlen Street, Philadelphia, PA, hosted by Daniel Browne Philadelphia Division 80. Isle of Erin MDT (PA).;

Sat. April 18 – Rosen Center Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL. Innisfail MDT (FL)

Sat. April 18 – Elmira, NY. Schenectady MDT (NY)

Sat. April 25 – Hibernian Hall, 5110 Southern Blvd, Youngstown, OH, hosted by Mahoning County OH Division 6. Tri Abhainn MDT (PA)

For additional details, please see the Rituals and Degrees subpage on the National Website at

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Rituals and Degrees December Update Sun, 01 Dec 2019 16:21:34 +0000 from National Chairman Rituals and Degrees, Jack Schneider …

Nollaig Shona Dhuit! I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the members of our Order’s Major Degree Teams very best wishes for a Merry and Blessed Christmas and to also thank you for your most valuable service in bringing the Lessons of the Order to our membership. I believe it was a very successful year for our Major Degree Teams with twenty-one Major Degrees exemplified nationally this calendar year.

Upcoming Major Degrees of the Order for early 2020:

Sun., Jan 26; 1:00PM – CDIAA, 375 Ontario Street, Albany, NY. Schenectady Major Degree Team (NY).
Sun., Feb. 9; 12 Noon – Michael Dougherty Bucks County Division 1 Clubhouse, 614 Courson Street, Bristol, PA. Isle of Erin MDT (PA).;
Sat., April 4; 12 Noon – Commodore John Barry Arts and Cultural Center, 6815 Emlen Street, Philadelphia, PA. Isle of Erin MDT (PA).;

For additional details, please see the Rituals and Degrees subpage on the National Website.

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Rituals and Degrees Update Sun, 01 Sep 2019 23:50:05 +0000 from Jack Schnieder, National Chairman Rituals and Degrees…

As the season turns into autumn, our National Major Degree Schedule will see a significant increase in activity with several opportunities for prospective candidates to take their Major Degree in the next few months up and down the length of our eastern seaboard. Major Degree Ceremonies are currently planned as noted that I have been informed of to date:

Sun. – Sept. 22nd – Iona College, New Rochelle, NY
Sat. – Sept. 28th – Irish Cultural Center of Utica, Utica, NY
Sun. – Sept 29th – Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Patchogue, NY
Sat. – Oct. 12th – North Carolina State Convention, Homewood Suite Hotel, Wilmington, NC
Sat. – Oct. 12th – Florida State Convention, Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL
Sat. – Nov. 2nd – Commodore John Barry Gloucester County NJ Division 1, National Park, NJ

For additional details on exact venue addresses and exemplifying Major Degree Teams, please see the Rituals and Degrees page on

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Johnson’s Election Signals Brexit Climax Is Near Wed, 07 Aug 2019 23:57:21 +0000 from Neil Cosgrove, National P.E.C. Chairman …

Brothers; the election of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister signals that we are nearing the climax of the Brexit saga. Mr. Johnson has made clear that he intends to take the United Kingdom out of the E.U. by October 31st even if it means a hard Brexit of leaving the E.U. without a deal. The key issue is the “Irish Backstop” which would mean that the U.K. would maintain regulatory alignment with the E.U. until another means was found to maintain the currently notional border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. Mr. Johnson and fellow Brexiters want the “Backstop” provision removed, for despite expending a lot of breath speaking on ‘technological” and other pixie dust solutions to the border they know that such solutions do not exist and they risk being stuck in the Backstop interminably. Their end goal is to put a time limit on the backstop and then simply run the clock.
From an Irish perspective, this raises two key issues:

  • 1. First “a border in Ireland is a border in Ireland” irrespective if it comes from a hard Brexit or as a result of appeasers willingly sacrificing Ireland for their own national interests. The open border that resulted from the U.S. brokered Good Friday Agreement has been fundamental to two decades of peace in Ireland after thirty years of violent conflict; facilitating the building of trust and sharing of prosperity between the communities of Ireland. A British border in Ireland will disrupt everything from businesses whose product lifecycles cross a now invisible border multiple times to basic everyday activities such as students attending schools and people seeking medical treatment. It should also be remembered that the community of Northern Ireland, Catholic and Protestant, Republican and Unionist, rejected Brexit by 56%.
  • 2. It is unrealistic to think that the United Kingdom would pursue a drastic change with a collapsed devolved government in Northern Ireland. There is a very real possibility that Northern Ireland may return to direct rule under the pretext of “in light of the current (self-made) crisis and the good of the nation”. Direct rule would effectively freeze the now glacially slow progress on fulfilling the Good Friday Agreement
    Taken together it is clear that the Good Friday Agreement and a proud U.S. legacy in the cause of peace are under serious threat.

It is for this reason that the Hibernians are very concerned by a recent letter by Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and signed by 44 other Senators that pledged “unwavering support” to the United Kingdom “irrespective of how Brexit occurs”. We have responded to Senator Cotton and his co-signatories stating that “unwavering support” at the cost of the peace and prosperity of Ireland and the U.S. legacy of the Good Friday Agreement is too high a price.

In fairness, we believe that many of the Senators who signed the letter, and many others, still do not appreciate the collateral damage that Brexit will inflict in Ireland. It is here Brothers we ask your support. At this time of year Senators and Congressional Representatives are in their home offices; it is imperative that we take this opportunity as constituents to educate our elected representatives. We will be sending out a template for discussion with your representatives in the next few days.
As Hibernians we have nothing against trade deals, and if the British people wish to leave the E.U. that is their right; however, we oppose seeing the Irish people and a seminal U.S. diplomatic achievement being sacrificed on the altar of Brexit expediency. We cannot support the blank check that Senator Cotton proposes giving Britain in supporting Brexit “however it occurs”.

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The AOH National Board recognizes the accomplishments of Brother Bill Halpin, Virginia State President 2017 – 2019 Tue, 06 Aug 2019 23:49:55 +0000
Fredericksburg’s newspaper, The Free Lance Star interviewed Bill on AOH and Irish Heritage. This photo was on page one…
President Halpin selected “Commit to the Future” as the Virginia state slogan for the 2017-2019 term. This phrase is easy to remember, and he believed it would inspire some of the Hibernian Zeal we pledge to maintain while preserving our traditions and beliefs.

His goals were simple: Assure the long-term welfare of AOH in Virginia by retaining current bothers and focusing recruitment on men who can carry us forward. On retention, President Halpin echoed (former) National Rituals & Degrees Chairman J.J. Kelly’s view that Hibernians who receive our Order’s Major Degrees are statistically more likely to remain active. At least sixty-three brothers stood for the Major Degrees in the past two years. There may have been more who received their degrees during the 2018 national convention. Virginia has grown in the past two years by about 100 men. President Halpin is very appreciative of National Organizer Tim McSweeney’s work in parceling our applications to us. This has proved to be very fruitful to Virginia.

Leadership: President Halpin asked division leaders to commit to a revitalization while recognizing that we’re all volunteers with competing responsibilities. A few divisions are electing volunteers who are new to AOH, leaders not inculcated with Hibernian processes, practices, history and traditions. They are frequently reminded that we’re bonded by our pledge, our Irish heritage, and our Catholicism. As volunteers we accept the duties and responsibilities as cited in our pledge: “I will at all times be zealous for the interests of this organization”. Halpin directed each division to appoint an organizer and sent every division president a copy of the AOH Officers Guide, our Manual, and the State By-Laws. Some divisions are innovating with new meeting venues, more post-meeting social engagement, guest speakers and outside social gatherings that attract new members. With this in mind, we’re developing a mentor-protégé program in which a “solid” division will assist another nearby division in need. Along that line, Halpin asked Hibernians to be visible in their Catholic communities – to wear AOH name badge to Mass. All this is a work in progress that paid off for Virginia.

Virginia and the IRS: By February 2018 most Virginia divisions had the IRS/Tax Exemption issue is behind them. Only one division is still outside the parameter and due to many circumstances (deaths of key brothers) the process was delayed. They are now in communication with Sean Pender to work out the details.

Virginia and Catholic Action: Virginia’s state treasurer reviewed 2017 financial reports and concluded that significant sums are held division treasuries. Speaking on Catholic Action, President Halpin discussed that “While annual charitable donations are the province of each division, this review reminded division leaders of our obligation to support charities to the best of our ability, especially Project St Patrick. Further, the State Board designated Catholic Charities of the Richmond and the Arlington Dioceses as our States Board’s charities and we’re funding this through the sale of license plate frames displaying the new AOH logo.” One Hibernian suggested Virginia do “something” to support our priest during this period of clergy scandals. The thought being priests may feel their vocations aren’t viewed in a positive light. Since our Order traces its history to protecting priest who were hunted as criminals, some division have instituted simple measures to say, “thank you”, including small, informal dinners. As Catholics, President Halpin reminded all that we are required to emphatically oppose the current progressive stance that life is no longer sacred. “When the Commonwealth’s “governor” states on television that (paraphrased) after the baby is born, “it” will be resuscitated if needed and then a discussion will ensue on whether the baby should be murdered.” That incredible interview was followed by Fairfax Democrat delegate Kaye Kory’s introduction of a euthanasia bill (HB 2713). It is worthy to note President Trump, in his State of the Union, called out late term abortion and pledged to seek legislation prohibiting that practice.

Virginia and Irish-American Heritage: Virginia AOH did a great job during the 2018 and 2019 Irish American Heritage Months by reaching out to our communities with Irish history, music and dance traditions, parades and festivals. Working with one of our state Congressmen and with the Maryland state board, Virginia Hibernians were able to achieve Irish-American Heritage Month recognition by the Library of Congress, The National Archives and The Smithsonian Institution. This recognition offers future opportunities for IAHM promotions in public schools and elsewhere. I’ve contacted several Virginia Irish/Celtic organizations suggesting collaboration in pursuit of legislation requiring the Virginia governor to proclaim March as IAHM.

Virginia Hibernians lived through the local, state, and national effort to restore the name of Fitzgerald Square in Alexandria to honor Col. John Fitzgerald, an 18th century Irish immigrant who rose to fame as George Washington’s aide-de-camp, Mayor of Alexandria, founder of the first Catholic church in Virginia and an overall important Alexandria citizen and businessman. Although an extraordinary effort was undertaken, a left of center city council fell prey to political correctness – a claim that Col Fitzgerald owned slaves prior to this death in 1799. Today there is a nascent movement to erect a life size statue of Fitzgerald in a prominent Alexandria location. Much work needs to be done in acquiring the property and raising the needed funding.

House Cleaning: Prince William County and Fairfax County boards were dissolved. For several years these boards have been unable to meet basic bylaw requirements. I attended meetings with the principals, but through 2017 and into 2018, it became clear their constituent divisions could not support them with needed manpower. County Boards cannot succeed without support from division leaders and that simply had not been forthcoming. Funds in their respective treasuries have been retrieved.

Due to an oversight, the Virginia state by-laws approved by voice vote at a state quarterly meeting in January 2016 were not submitted to National AOH for approval. They were submitted earlier this year and National President Judge James F. McKay III approved the Virginia State By-Laws on 15 April 2019.

Awards: President Halpin was honored to present two Past State and Division Presidents with National AOH recognition as a Life Members: Pat Naughton and Hugh O’Brien. At the upcoming Virginia state convention he will award Brother Terry Riley with our St Columcille Award for sustained performance. This is not an annual award. Tim is a true Hibernian from head to foot and has highlighted AOH in his community and church and has been the point man in several high visibility, Irish-American initiatives. He is also a Virginia FFAI board representative.

During his term President Bill Halpin was honored to install division officers throughout the state. He had to forgo only two installations due to inclement weather in January 2019.

Bill Halpin, Virginia State President will be remembered for these and many more accomplishments. The AOH National Board Recognizes and Congratulates bill on a Job well done.

Presenting life Membership to Hugh O’Brien
Bill Halpin and Mulcahy at the 2014 Convention in Louisville
Events at the Irish Embassy. One with State Treasurer, Bob Fay (left) and State VP Jay McCarthy.
With Deputy Mayor of Dublin, Claire Byrne – I was honored to serve as a Marshal for the D.C. St Patrick Day Parade. JJ was honored as the “Gael of the Year”.
Speaking at the Irish Viet Nam Veterans Memorial dedication in Ennis, County Clare.
Bill Halpin with Irish Ambassador to the US, Dan Mulhall
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Catholic Calendar – August 2019 Sun, 04 Aug 2019 17:23:14 +0000 The month of August falls entirely within the cycle of Ordinary Time. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, is a holy day of obligation.


August 1 Alphonsus Ligouri Memorial
August 6 Transfiguration of the Lord Feast
August 8 Dominic Memorial
August 9 Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
August 13 Our Lady of Knock
August 14 Maximilian Kolbe Memorial
August 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity
August 20 Bernard Memorial
August 21 Pius X Memorial
August 24 Bartholomew, Apostle Feast
August 27 Monica Memorial
August 28 Augustine Memorial


August 4 Molua, Abbot (d. 608)

Also known as Lughaidh or Lugaid, this saint was a boy of Limerick herding livestock who earned a reputation for sanctity and was sent to the monasterey at Bangor, where he was under the tutelage of St. Comgall. After ordination to the priesthood, he was tasked by his abbot with making other monastic foundations, the most important being what came to be called Kyle, in the Slievebloom Mountains. Molua may have made a trip to Rome, where he submitted the monastic rule which he had drawn up to Pope Gregory the Great. Some of the things said about him may result from confusion with another man.

August 5 Abel of Reims, Bishop and Abbot (d.c. 751)

Abel appears to have been one of the many Irish missionaries who aided St. Boniface in evangelizing the Germanic peoples of continental Europe. He was appointed bishop of Reims by Boniface, but was never able to claim the see due to its occupation by a rival claimant. He ended his days as abbot of Lobbes, in modern-day Belgium.

August 9 Nathy and Felim (6th century?)

Though not closely associated in life, these two men have come to be commemorated on the same day. Felim came from a family of saints. He is traditionally considered the first bishop of Kilmore. Nathy was a priest from Sligo.

August 11 Blaan, Bishop (d.c. 590?)

Blaan, also known as Blane, was a Scot, but spent seven years in Ireland under the tutelage of Sts. Comgall and Canice. He then returned to his native land, where he became a bishop.

August 11 Attracta, Virgin (6th century?)

The chronology of this saint is uncertain, but if dates assigning her to the 6th century are trustworthy, then she could not have been associated with St. Patrick, as some sources suggest. Attracta, or Araght, was of noble birth. When her father refused to allow her to consecrate her life to God, she fled from home. She founded a hospice for travellers on Lough Gara, which was in operation till 1539. There are many fanciful stories about her, at least one suggesting that she was not always able to conquer an urge to hold grudges. She is the patroness of the diocese of Achonry.

August 11 Lelia, Virgin (6th century?)

Little is known of Lelia. She may with probability be identified with Liadhain, great-grand-daughter of the prince Cairthenn baptized by St. Patrick. She gave her name to Killeely, near Limerick.

August 12 Murtagh, Bishop (6th century?)

Also known as Muredach, this is another saint who is not likely to have been a companion of St. Patrick, as some accounts allege. He is reputed to have been the first bishop of Killala.

August 14 Fachanan, Bishop (6th century)

Fachanan is the patron of the diocese of Ross, of which he was the first bishop. He was born at Tulachteann, was a pupil of St. Ita, and founded the monastery of Molana on the Blackwater River. Most significant of all, he founded what came to be the famous monastic school of Rosscarbery in Cork.

August 19 Mochta, Abbot (d.c. 535)

Mochta is mentioned in the lives of St. Patrick, whose disciple he was. Like Patrick, he was a Briton by birth, though his coming to Ireland was under different circumstances, Mochta’s parents having brought him there as a child. An interesting story has him being rebuked by St. Patrick for questioning the literal truth of the ages of the patriarchs as recorded in the Old Testament.

August 23 Eoghan, Bishop (6th century)

This saint’s name is often Anglicized as “Eugene,” though “Owen” is more correct. His life relates that he was one of three boys carried off from their home in Ireland, first to Britain, then to Brittany, where they were enslaved to work at grinding grain. When their master returned one day to find the three reading while angels worked the mill, he ordered their release. They found their way back to Ireland, and Eoghan became a monk with St. Kevin at Kilnamanach in Wicklow. Later, he aided St. Tigernach in the founding of the monastery at Clones, and finally settled with some followers at Ardstraw in Tyrone, where he became the first bishop.

August 31 Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne (d. 651)

Aidan’s birthplace was Ireland, though we know virtually nothing of his early life there. We are fortunate in having some account of his later life from the English monk, Bede, who was a careful historian. Aidan was a monk of Iona when one of his brethren returned from an unsuccessful mission to the kingdom of Northumbria in northern England. Northumbria had been Christianized earlier from the south, but the interlude of a hostile pagan dynasty had virtually wiped the Faith out there. The sainted King Oswald had requested a monk of Iona to re-evangelize his people, but the chosen monk’s extremely rigorist approach bore little fruit. When Aidan suggested that a different approach was needed, his brothers responded by appointing him to the mission. Oswald established him as bishop on the isle of Lindisfarne, and Aidan also established a monastery there, under the rule of St. Columcille. This grew to be one of the greatest monastic establishments in the British Isles. Aidan and his disciples meanwhile succeeded in bringing Northumbria back into the Christian fold. Bede describes him as a man who, though a leader of his society, always remained humble and compassionate. He devoted considerable time to the plight of slaves and unfortunate children.


On the evening of August 21, 1879, in the village of Knock, County Mayo, the housekeeper of the local parish church saw the south outside wall of the church bathed in a light of unknown origin. Going to fetch a friend, she and her companion came back to witness an apparition of the Virgin Mary, with two others figures, who were understood to be St. Joseph and John the Evangelist. In addition, there was an altar, with a cross and a lamb on it. Others gathered and likewise saw the figures. A notable feature of this Marian apparition is that Mary was silent. Acceptance of authenticity was slow–some local ecclesiastical authorities suspected a hoax by the local Protestant constable! Today Knock is the site of a large basilica and a dedicated place of pilgrimage. Once celebrated on August 21 in the Roman calendar, the feast has been moved to August 13 to make way for Pope St. Pius X.

Knock Shrine Basilica


–On June 17, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a victory of sorts to Aaron and Melissa Klein, two Oregon bakers whom the state’s authorities have sought to compel to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, in violation of their Christian beliefs. The Court ordered Oregon’s Court of Appeals to reconsider its ruling in the light of the high court’s ruling in favor of Colorado baker Jack Phillips. While some have hailed this as a victory for religious freedom, others have pointed out that the narrow grounds of the Phillips ruling–that the state regulatory authorities were displaying obvious animus against Christian belief, without a consideration of broader First Amendment issues–have not settled the issue. Recently, the Supreme Court made a similar judgment in the case of Baronelle Stutzman, a Washington State florist facing similar problems. The response of the State’s Supreme Court was to affirm its earlier decision against her, without even hearing oral arguments. In addition, Philllips himself has continued to face harrassment from Colorado authorities, egged on by an LGBTQ activist armed with a law degree.

–In a June 19 decision, the Court of Appeal for the U.K. overturned a ruling by the Court of Protection, which had upheld a Health Service decision to compel a young Catholic woman of diminished mental capacity to undergo an abortion, against her wishes and those of her mother. A spokeswoman for Right to Life UK welcomed the decision and called upon the government to reveal how many women have been compelled to have abortions.

–Some perhaps unexpected long-range fallout from the two-year suspension of the Northern Ireland Assembly has come to pass. Under its powers exercisable during the suspension of the Assembly, the British Parliament has passed legislation that will legalize abortion and gay marriage in Northern Ireland. With the changes in the Republic within the past year, Northern Ireland has been the only place in the Isles without gay marriage and which restricted abortion to cases of the mother’s life at risk or serious physical or mental harm to her. There is widespread opposition to these measures in Northern Ireland, among Protestants and Catholics. Critics have assailed this action as a violation of the principle of devolution espoused in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

–In a July 3 policy statement, the Veterans Administration has clarified that religious literature, symbols, and displays are permitted at VA locations. Various groups and individuals have been challenging things such as a Bible placed on a POW/MIA remembrance table.

–California State Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) has pulled a bill sponsored by him, which sought to compel Catholic priests to violate the seal of confession in instances in which child sexual abuse by fellow priests comes to light in confession. This followed a heated response from many Catholic clergy and laity.

–Noted Catholic legal scholar and Harvard professor Mary Ann Glendon has been appointed (July 8) to chair a new advisory Commission on Unalienable Human Rights under the auspices of the State Department. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the appointment at a news conference. Professor Glendon has served in a number of public capacities over the years, including Ambassador to the Holy See.

–The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case from Montana. The State’s Supreme Court has upheld a state law banning tax credits going to donors to organizations funding scholarships for low-income families, to private schools of their choice. The case is significant, because the issue revolves around a so-called Blaine Amendment in the state constitution. At least 37 states have or have had such provisions in their constitutions. Largely adopted in the late 19th century, such measures banned the use of public school funds for “sectarian schools,” and was squarely aimed at the Catholic Church.

[Sources consulted for this report include: Butler’s Lives of the Saints, complete edition, ed. and rev. by Herbert Thurston and Donald Attwater; 4 vols. (New York, 1956); The Liturgy of the Hours According to the Roman Rite (New York, 1975); The National Catholic Register;;;]


Pat Lally

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Dollars for Scholars! Sun, 04 Aug 2019 15:46:01 +0000 from Bill Sullivan, National Director …

As we all know the cost of a college education today can be very expensive. Realizing that many of their members had children of college age, President Charlie Sinclair of the Major John “Mike” Tivnan USMC Division 18 AOH in Salem, Massachusetts along with the Division Officers and members came up with the idea of an activity to raise funds for college scholarships for members children and grandchildren, while at the same time providing an enjoyable activity for its members their families and friends – a golf tournament!

Division 18’s 2019 Golf Tournament Organizers (Left to right) Ed Bash, Willy Zendarski, Charlie Sinclair and Tom Lawler. Willy Zendarski has been a member of Division 18 for 40 years.

The first golf tournament in 2018 raised enough funds to fund several scholarships and this year’s tournament is expected to do the same.

The tournaments are held at the Olde Salem Greens in Salem followed by prizes for golf tournament participants, raffles and a full course dinner at the Salem AOH Hall. The tournaments have been well attended by Division 18 members, their families and friends of local Hibernians. Many AOH brother members from other Divisions across the Bay State and New Hampshire have also joined in on the fun. President Sinclair noted: “This type of event is a win, win for everybody – our members children and grandchildren who receive scholarships and our members and others who have a great day playing golf with their families and friends, a great dinner, fun, laughter and comradery. Everyone leaves happy and a winner!”

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AUGUST FFAI 2019 BULLETIN Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:52:46 +0000 from Martin Galvin,Esq., National FFAI Chairman …

A chairde:


A -Boris Johnson threatens Ireland and European Union with “no deal Brexit” unless new deal concessions-

After becoming British Prime Minister without any general election, popular mandate or Westminster majority , Boris Johnson began by threatening a no deal Brexit disaster on October 31st, unless the EU renegotiates the Withdrawal Agreement to his liking. He is gambling that the EU will bow to threats and offer major concessions to stop Britain from crashing out of Europe and forcing a hard border across Ireland. Johnson in his first Westminster speech as Prime Minister promised a “golden age”, ushered in by an October 31st withdrawal ” no ifs, no buts”. He said the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by the British government under Theresa May was something “no country that values its independence and indeed its self-respect could agree” and its terms for the Irish border, a “monstrosity” “unacceptable”, “anti-democratic.” Johnson boasted that his regime was “turbocharging” preparations for a no deal Brexit crash out, if Europe refused to abolish the backstop. He snubbed Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, by not phoning him for six days.(Customarily incoming British Prime Ministers make a courtesy call to the head of the Irish government within a day of taking office).Johnson then clashed with Varadkar, saying the backstop must be abolished. Varadkar replied that the emergency measure was made necessary by British decisions. Ireland’s Tanaiste or Deputy Prime Minister Simon Coveney described Johnson’s strategy as “give me what I want or I will burn the house down for everybody.” He said if Johnson wants to “tear up” the existing Withdrawal Agreement with the EU “we are in trouble” and charged the British Prime Minister with deliberately putting Britain on a “collision course” with Ireland and the European Union. Johnson said he would not meet with French and German leaders unless they agree in advance to “abolish the backstop”.

The “backstop” was agreed by Britain and the EU as part of the 599 page Withdrawal Agreement to avoid a disastrous hard border across Ireland. Brexit would make the six counties Europe’s land border with Britain, requiring customs, import and immigration checks. The EU invited the north to remain in the customs union, with customs, immigration controls etc beginning in the Irish sea, (meaning at entry points into England, Scotland or Wales). Brexiteers within the Tory Party, backed the DUP, to veto a “backstop” or safety net that would only begin if a full trade agreement was not reached by the end of 2020.

Johnson took over for Theresa May after winning a contest within the Conservative Party. There was no general election and he needs 10 DUP votes for a majority in Westminster. Alliance Party head Naomi Long said “we need a statesman not a showman.” SDLP head Colum Eastwood said “Johnson coasted into Downing Street on a wave of Brexit bluff and bluster”. Michelle O’Neill said Sinn Fein would “engage Johnson on the fact that there is nothing good to come from Brexit”.

B -New amnesty moves for British troopers meet Congressional challenge-

In the closing days of the contest for Tory Party leadership, Boris Johnson vowed to end “unfair prosecutions” of British troopers for murders committed in the north between 1969-98 with a statute of limitations. (Read ‘unfair” as ‘any’ murder prosecutions of troopers). He quickly created a post of British Army veterans minister and named Johnny Mercer, the most vocal advocate of trooper amnesty at Westminster, to head it. The move would make a mockery of British claims that its troopers and constabulary were not “above the law” or did not act with impunity in the north. Only a handful of British troopers were ever imprisoned for murders like Ballymurphy or Bloody Sunday. There are growing British worries about prosecutions of former troopers, because proceedings like the Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest reveal how British troopers committed brutal murders which were white-washed by the crown.

Six Members of Congress joined in a bipartisan letter to Deputy British Ambassador Michael Tatum, citing American concerns about state force amnesty in legacy killings and Britain’s failure to implement agreed legacy mechanisms. The bipartisan Congressional initiative, joined by Representatives Peter King, Eliot Engel, Chris Smith, Brian Fitzpatrick, Nita Lowey and Brendan Boyle. The initiative also follows a recent AOH sponsored tour by Mark Thompson of Relatives For Justice and Edge Hill University Professor Mark McGovern, author of Counterinsurgency and Collusion in Northern Ireland. The British government repeatedly claimed that it was opposed to amnesty for killings by British military, including in a formal letter by then Ambassador Kim Darroch to Members of Congress on May 18,2018.An amnesty in the form of statute of limitations was overwhelmingly opposed by those who responded to the British government Consultation on legacy, announced earlier this month. However this policy was summarily discarded by the new Tory leader. Legacy mechanisms were agreed and published by the British government as part of the Stormont House Agreement of 2014. These mechanisms, which include a Historical Investigations Unit into Troubles killings, have never been implemented. Many nationalists believe that the HIU would bring charges against crown forces for killings or collusion with loyalists in murders.

C -Julian Smith, named six county secretary snubs Derry nationalists-

Julian Smith replaced Karen Bradley as Britain’s six county secretary. He was met by Bloody Sunday and Irish language protestors as he arrived in Derry for his first day in the new post. Smith who had been applauded on the stage as a “friend of the party” at the Democratic Unionist Party conference 2017, had been a key figure in keeping the DUP MPs propping up Theresa May. He visited a number of unionist landmarks, including the Apprentice Boys of Derry Siege Museum, the Apprentice Boys Walker’s Monument and the city walls. He avoided nearby nationalist sites such as the Bogside, Museum of Free Derry or Free Derry corner. Smith then said he would speak with all political parties in the north and treat them equally. However he is viewed as the DUP’s choice for the post, carrying out policies set by Boris Johnson who seems willing to sacrifice Irish interest for Westminster political gains. Meanwhile talks to restore the devolved Stormont Assembly, which has not sat since January 2017 continue. There is no agreement on key issues including an Irish Language Act, implementing legacy mechanisms, the Renewable Heat Initiative and social issues. Last year a DUP-Sinn Fein agreement fell apart on Valentine’s Day, when the DUP reneged on a compromise proposal allowing an Irish language Act along the lines of Scotland and Wales.

D -Bonfire threats by loyalists force City Council retreat-

July is not only marked by triumphal Orange parades across the north but also by hundreds of huge July 11th night bonfires. Many of these bonfires are topped off with posters of nationalists, KAT signs( meaning kill all Catholics), or Irish symbols which are publicly burned to cheers and sectarian songs as part of the celebrations. This year the most sinister example was a bonfire built in the parking lot of a Belfast City Council owned leisure center at Avoniel. When local residents called for the bonfire materials to be removed from the city owned property, a crowd connected to the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force formed a barricade at the entrance to the parking lot. They made threats to staff and forced the facility to be closed. Belfast City Council made a formal complaint to the PSNI constabulary about “aggravated trespassing” and hired contractors to remove the bonfire materials. The names of the contractors were leaked to loyalists. Threatening graffiti naming the contractors was painted on the walls, with slogans like contractors “attack loyalism at your own risk!” Instead of enforcing the City’s right to remove the materials, constabulary warned there was a risk of “serious violence” using firearms if council workers made any attempt to dismantle the bonfire. Belfast City Council then gave up efforts to remove the bonfire.


This past week anyone reading the daily papers in the north, the nationalist IRISH NEWS or the unionist BELFAST TELEGRAPH or anyone reading the Irish American papers, the IRISH ECHO and IRISH VOICE, read about AOH supporting victims’ families in the north by getting a major Congressional letter on legacy justice to the British Ambassador. We got many phone calls and email messages from Ireland, thanking the AOH, and telling us that American Congressional initiatives have a major impact on the British and are a morale boost for those fighting for justice.

The AOH got word on Friday afternoon that Congressman Peter King agreed to take the lead. Over the weekend we were able to get five more co-signers, including important committee chairs. The AOH was able to accomplish this because AOH members in local districts have contacted representatives and said Irish Americans in their constituency wanted them to take a stand and support us on the key issue of legacy justice.

We want to build up a network of Congressmen, who are aware of key FFAI issues and the importance of Irish issues to voters in their district. Brothers living in Congressional districts across the country, are a key part of building that network.

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First Cousins Become 3rd Generation Hibernians in a Division named after their Grandad Sat, 03 Aug 2019 17:53:57 +0000 from Dan Dennehy, National Director …
Photo L to R: Sean Beirne, NYS Treasurer Tome Beirne, Liam Beirne, NY Div 9 VP Martin Beirne, Robert Beirne, Frank Beirne Jr., and Division 9 President Denis McCarthy at New York County Francis P Beirne Division 9 Golf Outing.

I was honored to participate in the Annual New York County Francis P. Beirne Division 9 Golf Outing was held in Van Cortlandt Golf Club, the oldest public course in America in late June. The Francis P Beirne / Frank McGreal Memorial Golf Outing remembers two late great Officers of the Division and is a family affair for the Beirne and McGreal families along with many friends. The Division is named for the former Chairman of the New York St Patricks Parade. This year, the golf attendees were introduced to three of its newest members, all grandchildren of the late Frankie Beirne! New York State Treasurer Tom Beirne welcomed his son Sean, Division Vice President Martin Beirne welcomed his son Liam, and their brother FDNY Emerald Society Vice President Frank Beirne Jr. welcomed his son Robert! Brother Members and first cousins Sean, Liam and Robert are 3rd generation Hibernians and were sworn in recently along with 5 other young community leaders to this legendary Hibernian Division based in New York City.

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Rituals and Degrees Report Thu, 01 Aug 2019 17:45:47 +0000 from Jack Schneider, Ritual & Degrees Chairman

Major Degree Ceremonies were held at two State Conventions in the Northeast during the month of July with a total of forty-seven candidates receiving their Major Degree. Congratulations are extended to all newly Degreed Brothers and welcome to the Inner Chamber of Hibernian Brotherhood!
Seventeen candidates were brought into the ranks of full Brotherhood within the Order at the Major Degree held at the New York State Convention in Albany, NY on Sat. July 13. This Degree was exemplified by the Schenectady NY Major Degree Team.

The newly certified Tri Abhainn Allegheny County PA Major Degree Team performed their second Major Degree at the Pennsylvania State Convention in Pittsburgh on Saturday, July 20. There, thirty candidates completed their Major Degree with many National Officers in attendance.

Major Degree Candidate Class from the Pennsylvania State Convention Major Degree held in Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, July 20, 2019

Several opportunities for prospective candidates to take their Major Degree will be coming up within the next few months throughout the land. Major Degree Ceremonies are currently planned as noted that I have been informed of to date:

Sat. August 17 – Ohio State Convention, Radisson Hotel at Univ. of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Sun. August 18 – Virginia State Convention, Best Western Leesburg, Leesburg, VA

Sun. Sept. 22 – Iona College, New Rochelle, NY

Sat. Sept. 28 – Irish Cultural Center of Utica, Utica, NY

Sun. Sept 29 – Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Patchogue, NY

For additional details on exact venue addresses, please see our Rituals and Degrees page.

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KEY CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR LEGACY JUSTICE Thu, 25 Jul 2019 16:39:48 +0000 Six Members of Congress joined in a bipartisan letter to Deputy British Ambassador Michael Tatum, citing concerns about state force amnesty in legacy killings and Britain’s failure to implement agreed legacy mechanisms. The bipartisan Congressional initiative, joined by Representatives Peter King, Eliot Engel, Chris Smith, Brian Fitzpatrick, Nita Lowey and Brendan Boyle, came as Boris Johnson was named Conservative Party leader and presumptive Prime Minister. The initiative also follows a recent AOH sponsored tour by Mark Thompson of Relatives For Justice and Edge Hill University Professor Mark McGovern, author of Counterinsurgency and Collusion in Northern Ireland.

The Members of Congress cited growing concern about a proposed Statute of Limitations amnesty for British military and constabulary, as well as Britain’s failure to implement agreed legacy mechanisms while evidence mounts of crown collusion in killings particularly in Tyrone and South Derry.

The British government repeatedly claimed that it was opposed to amnesty for killings by British military, including in a formal letter by then Ambassador Kim Darroch to Members of Congress on May 18,2018.

An amnesty in the form of statute of limitations was overwhelmingly opposed by respondents to a British government Consultation on legacy, announced earlier this month. However this policy was apparently reversed by Boris Johnson in his campaign for the Conservative Party leadership.

Legacy mechanisms were agreed and published by the British government as part of the Stormont House Agreement of 2014. These mechanisms, which include a Historical Investigations Unit into Troubles killings, have never been implemented. Many nationalists believe that the HIU would uncover crown force collusion or complicity in killings.

(A copy of the letter, mailed on Tuesday July 23rd is attached and we have been given permission to release the letters).

AOH Freedom-for-all-Ireland Chair Martin Galvin noted:

“Justice and truth for relatives of victims killed by British troopers, or where British military or constabulary acted in complicity with loyalist criminals, continues to be denied.

“The AOH, America’s oldest and largest Irish-American organization continually hears from victims’ relatives, who tell us that American pressure, particularly from members of Congress is vital to their fight for truth.

“AOH members earlier this year attended the Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest, met with relatives of victims in Tyrone and hosted the book launch tour by Mark McGovern, accompanied by Mark Thompson.

“These families are now concerned that the incoming British regime, headed by Boris Johnson, would not hesitate to sacrifice Irish legacy justice for Westminster political gains. Replacing Karen Bradley who supported the legacy mechanisms and opposed troop a one-sided amnesty was the first step.

“We welcome this important initiative by Congressional representatives who have played a leading role on Irish issues. We will continue to work with Congress together with other Irish American organizations such as the Irish American Unity Conference, in the fight for Irish legacy justice”.

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DC Divisions Mix Baseball and Heritage Tue, 16 Jul 2019 14:07:58 +0000 from John Patrick Walsh, National Liaison…

As summer heats up most of the DC divisions take a small break from official business and instead focus on fellowship. Baseball presents a wonderful occasion for Hibernian families to gather and enjoy the national pastime in our nation’s capital. Some divisions even use the opportunity to promote Irish culture amongst the Tri-State’s baseball fandom.

PND Keith Carney and Commodore John Barry Division 1 have spearheaded “Irish Night @ Nats Park” in conjunction with the Washington Nationals for the past few years. Originally conceived as a Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser for local parades and Pat Troy’s Irish Show, the event now hosts delegations from the Irish Embassy and local Irish-American organizations including dance troupes and Tri-State Hibernians. This year’s celebration (Sunday, Sept. 29th vs Cleveland Indians, 3:05pm) will again feature a pregame festival with Irish food, drink, and music for purchasers of the Leprechaun ticket package. Tickets are limited but interested Hibernians can click HERE to reserve their seats.

For the brothers of Msgr. Thomas Wells Division 3, each month of baseball season presents an opportunity to take in a Bethesda Big Train or Silver Spring T-Bolts game. Both teams compete in the collegiate Cal Ripken League, where seats are cheap and fans get to see baseball’s future prospects before they become household names.
On July 20th, the Charles Carroll of Carrollton Division 2 plan to take in the Bowie Baysox (AA-Orioles) and invites brothers from all DC and MD divisions to join them. The annual division outing provides an opportunity for Hibernians and family to more deeply connect while talking about topics other than the AOH, a welcome respite for most spouses and children. When possible, the division tries to plan their event in conjunction with the annual DC Padres game; a contest between the Archdiocese baseball team and local Catholic High Schools, that promotes discernment and vocations.

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Irish Thunder of AOH Division #1 in Montgomery County performs at the Fourth of July Parade in Oreland, PA. Wed, 10 Jul 2019 04:37:55 +0000 from Ed Halligan, National Director …

At the far left is Cullen Kirkpatrick, the Pipe Major, in the center is Pete Hand the Drum Major and at the far right is Joe Cassidy the Pipe Sergeant. The Pipe Band has been performing since 1994 and participate at many Irish events in the Deleware Valley.
It’s great to have a Pipe Band. It brings great attention to Notre Dame Division #1. Division 1 uses local newspapers and social media to show their events and charitable endeavors. This also has just as big an impact on their recruitment. They are the largest Division in Montgomery County and one of the top Divsiions in Pennsylvania District One.

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INDEPENDENCE DAY – 2019 Wed, 03 Jul 2019 11:29:47 +0000 Click for Large Hi-Res Image of the Full Declaration…

As we celebrate our Nation’s Independence, we as Irish Americans should take special pride in the day. Nine of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Irish descent, including the only non-Protestant, Charles Carroll. The Secretary of the Continental Congress was from Derry, the first printing was done by a printer from Tyrone, and it was read in public for the first time by the son of an immigrant from Wexford. At a minimum, 25% (some estimates go as high as 40%) of Washington’s Army was Irish including a large number of its officers. The Colonies most successful Naval Captain was Commodore John Barry of Wexford, who, at the war’s end, commanded the last remaining ship of the Continental Navy, USS Alliance and would after the war be the Father of a new United States Navy.

George Washington wrote “Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country’s most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth”. His adopted son George Washington Parke Custis went further: “When our friendless standard was first unfurled for resistance, who were strangers [foreigners] that first mustered ‘round its staff when it reeled in the fight, who more bravely sustained it than Erin’s generous sons? Who led the assault on Quebec [General Montgomery, Donegal] and shed early luster on our arms, in the dawn of our revolution? Who led the right wing of Liberty’s forlorn hope [General Sullivan, the son of Cork immigrants] at the passage of the Delaware [the Battle of Trenton]? Who felt the privations of the camp, the fate of battle, or the horrors of the prison ship more keenly than the Irish? Washington loved them, for they were the companions of his toil, his perils, his glories, in the deliverance of his country.”

As we celebrate our justifiable pride as American and remember with gratitude the opportunities this nation gave our forebears that was gratefully repaid with service and loyalty, we should dedicate ourselves that the story of Irish America is told. The contributions of Irish Americans, along with many other groups, were intentionally omitted from our nation’s history, and sadly while great progress has been made in rectifying the injustice to other groups, the Irish are still undervalued, underreported and underacknowledged. We as Hibernians need to be telling the story of the Irish in America, no one else will. We can’t just talk abstractly of “Irish Pride” or wearing it on our hats, we should be demonstrating it.

Secondly, there is a great lesson to be learned from the Declaration of Independence. John Adams was likely the most unpopular man in Congress. Some of the signers were aspiring Aristocrats; others were Artisans. Edward Rutledge was 26, Benjamin Franklin 70. Charles Carroll was a Catholic amongst many fervent denouncers of the Catholic Church. Yet, they put all this aside to come together in common cause and do what had never been done before: for Colonies to declare their independence and form a new nation. They realized their difference paled in comparison to the greater good. There is much that our Order and our Nation could learn from their example

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Catholic Action Update for July Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:40:58 +0000 from John D. Fitzmorris III, Ph.D., National Catholic Action Chairman …

As Chair of Catholic Action, I have been careful not to stray too far into the realm of the great work Project St. Patrick has been doing on behalf of all current seminarians, but I want to bring to light the current numbers on our priests from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.

The statistics are comprehensive, and I shall go over only a few of them; but they are currently not very good. Back in 1970, there were 59,192 total priests in the United States. There are currently 36,580, which means that the number of priests in the country has dropped 40% over the last fifty years. The same can be said for the number of yearly ordinations to the priesthood, which has dropped from 805 to 518. And the number of graduate level seminarians has dropped from 6,602 to 3,553 in that time.

And here is the last statistic, but perhaps the most important: Parishes without a resident priest pastor have gone from 571 to 3,363 in that time.

Brothers, given the current circumstances regarding the priest-abuse scandal and outside influences, the clergy of the Catholic Church is in trouble and the numbers for religious sisters is even more dire.

We Hibernians need to confront this issue head on and be at the forefront of helping young men answer their Vocation if they have one. And we should not restrict ourselves to young men. My own cousin-in-law was widowed several years ago and was just ordained last month.

Let’s put aside the issue of married priests, which we already have, and just talk about what we need to do as Hibernians.

A priest and a friend of the family made it his mission to make sure he asked every young man he knew or even met for the first time if he ever thought about being a priest. When they said no, he always responded, “Well, don’t say no one ever asked you.”

In the coming days and months, I plan to reach out to Brother Vogel, who has done and continues to do an excellent job with Project St. Patrick and see what we can do to help replenish the ranks of the Catholic priesthood.

Thank you, Brothers, for your kind time and God bless you.

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JULY FFAI 2019 BULLETIN Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:40:40 +0000 from Martin Galvin,Esq., National FFAI Chairman …

A chairde:


A- Brexit chaos forces May resignation as Johnson-Hunt vie for PM-

British Prime Minister Theresa May ,was forced to resign after a six month Brexit delay and humiliating Westminster votes. Her successor, narrowed down to either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt, is being chosen by paid up members of the Conservative Party, (approximately 160,000). The incoming leader of the Conservative Party hopes to have enough Westminster votes to continue May’s term as Prime Minister without facing a general election. Brexit is now scheduled to take place on October 31st,but the European Union and Ireland are unlikely to add more concessions to the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by May. The drive to complete Brexit by that date means a growing risk of a “no deal” requiring customs and border controls across Ireland.

May announced her resignation in a tearful statement in which she said she had done “everything I can” to convince MPs to support the withdrawal deal negotiated with the European Union and it was now in the “best interests of the country for a new prime minister to lead that effort”. She became Prime Minister because David Cameron resigned after a referendum mandating Brexit. May’s took the post to preside over Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. She quickly called a general election in 2017, expecting an increased majority to strengthen her hand but lost seats to Jeremy Corbin and Labour. She became a minority party Prime Minister, depending on votes from the Democratic Unionist Party.

She negotiated a 599 page Withdrawal Agreement but her deal was rejected with May facing historic Westminster defeats. The main objection to her Withdrawal Agreement,was the “backstop” to avoid a disastrous hard border across Ireland. No deal Brexit would make the six counties Europe’s land border with Britain, requiring customs, tariff and immigration checks. The EU invited the north to remain in the customs union, with customs, immigration controls etc beginning in the Irish sea, (meaning at entry points into England, Scotland or Wales). Brexiteers within Prime Minister Theresa May’s Tory Party, joined with the DUP, to veto a “backstop” or safety net that would only begin if a full trade agreement was not reached by the end of 2020.

The front-runner is Boris Johnson, former Foreign Secretary and Mayor of London, viewed as a hard-line Brexiteer, who threatens to leave the EU on October 31st deal or no deal. Jeremy Hunt originally voted to Remain in Europe but will now implement Brexit. The winner will have about 100 days to solve the Irish problem.

B-Banners for Bloody Sunday murder-accused spread across north-

Banners and flags supporting the single British Trooper charged with murders on Bloody Sunday are spreading across the north. The trooper, named only as “Soldier F” is scheduled to appear in court in Derry in August to be charged with the murders of James Wray and William McKinney and the attempted murders of Patrick O’Donnell, Joseph Friel, Joe Mahon and Michael Quinn. Banners have already been put up in Belfast, Ballymoney Bangor, Carrickfergus, Coleraine , Portadown and Tandragee, proclaiming support for him. A banner on the Lisburn Road, one of the busiest in Belfast bears the slogan “our soldiers are heroes not criminals.”

Victims groups have complained that the banners are a hate crime and should be taken down by the PSNI. Photographs have been posted showing members of the PSNI constabulary standing by and observing as banners are being put up. The PSNI issued a statement saying “it was not the responsibility of the PSNI” and they “would only act to remove flags where there was a substantial risk to public safety.”Soldier F” is the only British trooper charged for any of the 13 killings and 15 wounded on Bloody Sunday, January 28, 1972.Other Bloody Sunday families were deeply hurt as it had been thought that up to 18 prosecutions would be announced.

C-Opportunity for Stormont talks deal fading-With the July-

August Orange marching season beginning, Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and British Prime Minister Theresa May said in a joint statement of talks to restore Stormont, there was a “narrow window of opportunity to reach agreement in the immediate period ahead” but that it was essential to “intensify talks to this end.”

An intensified round-table session then lasted only 25 minutes. Afterwards Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney and British Secretary Karen Bradley did not comment. Bradley’s position was weakened by the resignation of Theresa May who appointed her. It is now speculated that the talks may be paused over the summer months as the same sticking points which led to the breakdown of a tentative agreement in February 2018, appear to remain. These issues include an Irish Language Act, firm legacy mechanisms, the Renewable Heat Initiative and social issues. Last year a DUP-Sinn Fein agreement fell apart on Valentine’s Day, when the DUP reneged on a compromise proposal allowing an Irish language Act along lines of similar measures in Scotland and Wales.
Stormont collapsed in January 2017, after the late Martin McGuinness resigned over the refusal of First Minister Arlene Foster to stand aside during an inquiry into the Renewable Heat Initiative scandal. The RHI Inquiry concluded last December after 114 sessions, but the final report is still pending. This report may be highly critical of Arlene Foster and could reflect on her suitability to be First Minister. There disputes about legacy mechanisms and whether the British will fully implement the institutions agreed at Stormont House. Social issues could be resolved by abolishing petitions of concern which allow vetoes.

D-Ballymurphy Commander says was not told about 11 killings-

-As testimony in the Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest nears its conclusion, shocking revelations continue. British, Army Lt. Colonel Derek Wilford, who commanded the Paratroop Regiment’s first battalion, claimed no one told him about the killings of a Catholic priest ,a grandmother and nine others to him in 1972.The British commander said he would have treated the killings seriously “had it come my way”,but it was a “complete surprise”. Wilford also commanded Bloody Sunday five months later in Derry. He said in his written statement that his battalion had been interviewed after Bloody Sunday but nothing like that happened after Ballymurphy.

Another paratrooper testified that his unit had run a prize “sweepstake” with the money going to troopers who “got a kill.” Terry Laverty, in a written statement described how the trooper who killed his brother John Laverty bragged about it. The evidentiary portion of the inquest is nearing conclusion.


Mark McGovern, Professor of Sociology at Edge Hill University in England, studied dozens of collusion killings in Tyrone and South Derry, applying academic research standards. Helped by Mark Thompson and Relatives for Justice, Professor McGovern was able to combine documentation compiled by victims’ families, with court transcripts and British military studies to put together a shocking new look at British collusion in the context of British military strategy.

The importance of American support was underlined by a special appeal by Tyrone victims’ families to relatives and friends in America to attend the AOH sponsored launch.

The tour opened at the historic MacSwiney Club in Philadelphia, because of connections to Carrickmore man Joe McGarrity, and to Liam Ryan, whose murder was one of those investigated in the book. The event began with presentations of a Congressional Proclamation from Congressman Brendan Boyle and a City Council presentation, congratulating the two men for opening a new chapter in the battle for legacy justice.

Mark Thompson, of Relatives for Justice outlined the facts of some of the cases investigated. He began with the example of Kathleen O’Hagan ,a pregnant woman killed in front of her children because her husband Paddy O’Hagan was a well known Republican. Mr. Thompson described the number of threats the family received, the remote area, timing and other circumstances which proved this and other horrific murders could not have been carried out without British direction. Ironically it was pointed out that Mrs. O’Hagan had family connections in America.

Mr. Thompson also pointed to Malachy McAllister, who helped organize the tour and who was targeted by the British for a loyalist assassination attempt by one of their agents. Malachy McAllister’s current fight against deportation was raised throughout the tour.

He said that American help from the AOH and other Irish American organizations was crucial if relatives of Britain’s victims were to have any chance for truth.

Professor Mark McGovern began by tracing the development of British military strategy in counterinsurgency back to 1896. He also cited the myths or “stories the British tell themselves to justify how they fight wars”. They say they use “minimum force” and “uphold law and order” while the actual strategy in colonial situations was to demoralize the population with murders and insure that those who carried out murder for the crown would never be caught.

Professor McGovern, then pointed to the evidence published in the da Silva Review, Stevens Inquiry, Ombudsman Investigations, and Court Transcripts etc. He spoke of his own research, family interviews and investigations in accordance with academic standards. He said “the evidence is now undeniable and it is just no longer credible to pretend Britain did not collude in these killings.”

Here as in other venues, people stood in line to buy autographed copies of the book, before the speakers took the floor.


Professor McGovern and Mark Thompson traveled to New York City for an event at O’Lunneys Time Square, where they paraded in behind piper P. J. O’Hara.

A number of friends and relatives of the victims mentioned in the book attended. Liam Ryan’s sister Mary, and his friends Patrick Clarke and Gabriel Megahey, were called up to present a citation on behalf of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, while Eamonn O’Brien presented a citation on behalf of Westchester County Legislator David Tubiolo.

Many key AOH and veteran Irish activists were introduced, including a number of relatives of victim John Quinn.

In Washington DC, Professor McGovern and Mark Thompson launched the book at the prestigious National Press Club in an event attended by Irish Embassy and British Northern Ireland Office representatives, as well as Congressional aides and Irish American leaders. They met Congressman Peter King to start a series of key Congressional briefings on Wednesday June 5th, before giving a briefing at the Irish Embassy on the need for Irish government help in the battle for legacy truth. They held a launch in Virginia at Murphy’s Irish Pub in Old Town Alexandria. On Thursday, they appeared in Rutherford New Jersey in a special launch featuring Malachy McAllister and organized by AOH National Treasurer Sean Pender.

Professor McGovern and Mark Thompson were at the Watertown AOH Hall, near Boston on Friday, the Newport Rhode Island AOH Hall, on Saturday, and on Sunday June 9th at the Gaelic American Club, in Fairfield, Connecticut.

They concluded a whirlwind tour with a launch at the Albany Irish American Heritage Museum before briefing Irish American legislators.

The response to the tour has been overwhelming, with hundreds of books purchased and forcing a reprint by the publisher.

This book is an important chapter in the battle for legacy truth ,as victims’ families in Tyrone, south Derry and indeed across the north lived it. Loyalists may have fired the shots but British crown forces directed murders and protected killers as part of overall British planning. This book and these speakers have had a tremendous response in AOH sponsored events and in meetings with Congress.

It says a great deal that victims’ families thought American help and the AOH important enough to come to us as soon as the book was released, to ask our help. The AOH is proud to stand behind them in the fight for legacy truth“.


Sadly we must note the recent deaths of three giants whose historic roles in Ireland should not be overlooked. Ivan Cooper was a Protestant leader of the north’s civil rights movement, and SDLP founder who led the Bloody Sunday March in 1972 and served as an MP. (He had hoped to meet AOH members alongside Eamon McCann during the February FFAI tour, but could not do so because of ill health). Billy McKee was a legendary IRA commander in Belfast and founding member of the Provisional IRA, wounded while defending St. Matthew’s Church in 1970,and later won a Hunger Strike for political status in 1972. He was a lifelong Republican. Kevin McKenna, was the longest serving IRA Chief of Staff and held that key position from 1983’s difficult days through most of the Good Friday negotiations.


Please check for the monthly FFAI Bulletin on the New York State and National AOH web sites. We want to give you monthly updates on key events in the north with short analysis and explanation.

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Quick Summary on the Brexit Saga Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:15:28 +0000 from Neil Cosgrove, National P.E.C. Chairman …

Just a quick abbreviated summary on the Brexit saga

  • Prime Minister Theresa May has resigned, she is in a caretaker status until her Tory party selects a new leader
  • The leadership race has been whittled down to two candidates: Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt
  • This now goes to a mail in-campaign to registered members of the Conservative Party. This is an internal party process, not a general election.
  • Boris Johnson is the heavy favorite to win, and he is the most extremist of Brexiters.
  • Both candidates have pledged to go back to the E.U. (again) to renegotiate the deal, including the Irish Backstop. This despite the fact that multiple attempts by May to renegotiate have failed.
  • Both have pledged that they will do a “hard Brexit”. In an unbelievable comment on television, PM candidate Jeremy Hunt said he would tell business destroyed by Brexit that their sacrifice was for the good of the country.

Brothers, this is “cloud cuckoo land” stuff, but you may ask, “Why as Irish Americans should we care?” Let us take the last part first. There can be no doubt that driving the 5th largest economy over a cliff will have a worldwide economic ripple, more accurately a tsunami, and that will impact everyone in the United States irrespective of ethnicity. As people committed to our heritage and the peace of the land of our ancestors, we cannot see two decades of peace and a developing understanding between the communities of Ireland reapportioned behind a “hard border”. Brexit threatens the most tangible accomplishment of the Good Friday Agreement, the economy of Northern Ireland. Destroy that and combine it with the lack of progress on other elements of the agreement and you have a recipe for a return to violence.

I ask you not to be taken in by some of the spin coming out of the British media and parroted by gullible and lazy US reporting. The problem with Brexit is not “an Irish issue” or even an “EU issue,” it is purely made in England. We all know the axiom, “You break it; you fix it.” There is no Irish Border problem now; Brexit has created it. The true and underreported tragedy is that this crisis is entirely unnecessary. The EU has said they would grant Northern Ireland “Special Status” to stay in the EU. This would respect the democratic mandate of the community of Northern Ireland to stay in the EU, remove the necessity of a border in Ireland, and allow Britain to pursue its Brexit agenda. It is a “win-win” for everyone except the loyalist Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) who would rather share in “Union” an economic disaster rather than risk a prosperity that may lead to a United Ireland.

The nonchalant attitude on the part of the Tory party is based on the prospect of a mammoth trade deal with the United States replacing the trade that will be lost from the EU. Like a friend who would take the keys off an acquaintance about to get behind the wheel of a car before they injure someone, a clear message must be sent that a US trade deal is off the table until a “no Brexit Border in Ireland” solution is delivered, especially when a solution is at hand and just needs political backbone to implement.

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The Order Welcomes A New Major Degree Team! Wed, 03 Jul 2019 08:09:33 +0000 from Jack Schneider, National Ritual & Degrees Chairman …

The first Major Degree Class of Candidates of the Tri Abhainn Allegheny County PA Major Degree Team seated in front of Degree Team Members. June 1, 2019. Crafton, PA

On June 1, National Vice President, Danny O’Connell, National Rituals and Degrees Chairman, Jack Schneider, Pennsylvania State Rituals and Degrees Chairman, Jim Murphy and four senior Members of the Isle of Erin PA and Tara Court NY Major Degree Teams traveled to Pittsburgh to conduct the Certification Review of the prospective Tri Abhainn Allegheny County PA Major Degree Team. The Tri Abhainn Team asserted itself very well in this Exemplification and 11 Candidates received their Major Degree.

On June 17, the National Rituals Board convened in accordance with its National Constitution obligations to meet at least once annually. The main business topic of this meeting was to conduct the Major Degree Team Certification on the Tri Abhainn Team. The Board unanimously approved to certify Tri Abhainn as the Order’s newest Major Degree Team. This represents the third time this decade a new Major Degree Team has been certified. We congratulate Team Chairman, Denny Maher, and the Tri Abhainn MDT on achieving certification after many years of hard work and persistence toward this goal and wish them much luck and success in their future Major Degree efforts.

The summer months will afford several opportunities for prospective candidates to take their Major Degree at various state conventions throughout the land. Major Degree Ceremonies are currently planned at the following State Conventions that I have been notified of to date:

    Sat. July 13 – New York State Convention, Hilton Albany Hotel, Albany, NY
    Sat. July 20 – Pennsylvania State Convention, Greentree Doubletree Hotel, Pittsburgh PA
    Sat. August 17 – Ohio State Convention, Radisson Hotel at Univ. of Toledo, Toledo, OH
    Sun. August 18 – Virginia State Convention, Best Western Leesburg, Leesburg, VA

For additional details on exact venue addresses, please see the Rituals and Degrees subpage on the National Website at

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Honoring an Irish Patriot! Wed, 03 Jul 2019 07:52:00 +0000 from Bill Sullivan, National Director …

For nearly a half century, the Massachusetts AOH State Board on the third Saturday in June has sponsored the John Boyle O’Reilly Memorial Exercises at the grave of this Irish Patriot in Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, MA. Annually Brother and Sister Hibernians across Massachusetts, and many from New Hampshire and Connecticut, as well as, the Greater Boston Irish Community gather to honor and remember a man who was one of the most highly regarded immigrants of his time. The Memorial Program begins with a Mass celebrated by the Mass AOH and LAOH State Chaplain, followed by a brief talk on O’Reilly’s life and accomplishments and concludes with a Memorial Wreath placed at his grave. A reception follows the services at the AOH Hall in Watertown, MA.

John Boyle O’Reilly was born in Ireland in 1844 and in 1864 joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Two years after joining the Republican Brotherhood, O’Reilly along with other Fenians were arrested by the British. Found guilty later that year by a British Court, he was sentenced to death. This sentence was later commuted to 20 years of hard labor.

In 1867 O’Reilly was sent to the British Penal Colony of Western Australia. Approximately two years after his arrival there, he escaped with the help of an Irish priest, Father Patrick McCabe and made his way to the United States.

In the United States O’Reilly settled in Boston and became a well-known spokesman for the Irish community as the editor of the Boston newspaper, the Pilot, his writings and lecture tours. He died at his summer home in Hull, MA. in August 1890. O’Reilly’s home in Hull today serves as the site of the town library for the Town of Hull.

John Boyle O’Reilly was originally buried in Calvary Cemetery in Roxbury, MA, His remains were later moved to Holyhood Cemetery. .Holyhood Cemetery was found in 1857 and is the burial site of many well-known Catholic Bostonians, including the graves of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, the parents of our late AOH Brother, President John F. Kennedy. The large boulder on O’Reilly’s grave was transported from Ireland and is approximately 9 feet high and weights several tons.

Interested in attending this event in 2020? Circle on your calendar, June 20 at 11 am. We hope that you are able to join us!

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