The AOH is proud to continue the: Tom McNabb Young Hibernian Leadership Scholarship, to be conferred at the 2024 AOH National convention in Orlando.
The idea is to demonstrate that the AOH wants to not only hear from its younger members but to learn from them. The AOH national board will provide an award to bring them to our National Convention to enjoy the camaraderie, sharing of ideas and new initiatives, and demonstrations of our Order’s good works and energy that the Convention produces.
We feel the name of the Young Leaders Award commemorates Tom, our beloved deceased Secretary Emeritus with a lifetime of commitment to our values, a leader who carried our message through many decades and was one of our youngest National Presidents.
Tom McNabb Young Hibernian Leadership Scholarship details:
Six AOH members, being under age 40, are to be selected by the National Board to attend the National Convention as part of this program. Nominations can be made by the individual themselves, or division, county or state boards. Nominations must be signed by applicant and division president then submitted as per instructions on the form.
The Scholarship would be to reward the winner with grant to cover the costs of the entire evening package at the upcoming convention. At the convention the AOH Young Leaders would be recognized, and work with the other young leaders to develop a presentation to the convention and/or breakout session to discuss ways by which we can attract and keep younger members..
Each awardee must commit to attending the functions of the Convention and a profile of each candidate is provided for marketing team use to announce the awardees and feature their profiles.
The awardees would be responsible for reporting back to their local Division, County and or State Boards on their experiences as Awardees at the National Convention The awardees would be responsible for reporting back to their local Division, County and or State Boards on their experiences as Awardees at the National Convention and join a national marketing subcommittee.