from Martin Galvin,Esq., National FFAI Chairman …
A chairde:
A-Boris Johnson suspends Parliament brings on Brexit crisis-
In a move called a “constitutional outrage” by Speaker of the House John Bercow, and compared to Oliver Cromwell’s Parliamentary purge by Irish Minister Michael D’Arcy, Boris Johnson will prorogue or suspend Parliament for 5 weeks until October 14th, hoping to bulldoze Brexit through, by the Halloween, October 31st deadline. His plan backfired as Brexit opponents, including 21 members of his own party, banded together with opposition parties to stop Johnson from crashing out of Europe and forcing a hard border across Ireland. The combined opposition inflicted a series of major defeats on the new prime minister. They passed a law which mandates he must ask the European Union for another delay if he cannot get a new deal by October 19th. Johnson then expelled or “removed the whip” from 21 members of his own party who voted against him. His Tory party will try to depose the Speaker,(who applies rules and procedures impartially in the British system). Boris’ own brother resigned from the cabinet. Johnson said he would rather “be dead in a ditch” than ask the EU for more time to negotiate. Labour Party member John McDonnell said opposition parties “do not believe that we can pin him down and I do not trust him an inch. I do not think anyone does.” Another leading Labour Party member, Baroness Chakrabarti said “every tin pot dictator … has used the excuse of having the people on their side to break the law, to shut down Parliament and the rest of it.” There is a real fear that Johnson will flout the law and bring on a Constitutional crisis. He no longer has a Westminster majority even with 10 Unionist DUP MPs. He had hoped that by suspending Parliament , he could run out the clock on effective opposition or force a snap election in which he held the upper hand. Ireland will be collateral damage in this crisis because Brexit would make the six counties Europe’s land border with Britain, requiring customs, import and immigration checks. The EU offered to allow the north to remain in the customs union, with customs, immigration controls etc beginning in the Irish sea, (meaning at entry points into England, Scotland or Wales).The Tory Party, needing DUP votes at Westminster, vetoed any “backstop” or safety net as the DUP demanded. The “backstop” would only take effect if a full trade agreement was not reached by the end of 2020.
B-Trooper’s murder of Derry teen ruled unjustified after 47 year fight-
Seamus Bradley’s family finally heard a Coroner’s Court Judge rule that British troopers had no justification for shooting the unarmed Derry teen and watching him die without medical treatment. Judge Patrick Kinney rejected British Army cover stories that the nineteen year old had been firing a machine gun from a tree when shot on July 31,1972, sustaining additional injuries from a fall. He ruled that the unarmed youth was running away from members of the Royal Scots Regiment, when troopers got out of a tank like Saracen armored personnel carrier, then shot him four times. The judge ruled that Seamus Bradley had clearly been unarmed, posed no threat and was no danger to troopers, which would have justified opening fire. The family submitted medical and photographic evidence that Seamus Bradley had been tortured after his capture, which contributed to his death. While the judge would not make a finding of torture, he did rule that Seamus Bradley was not given medical treatment which would have saved his life. Kinney said the original inquest was flawed and inadequate. Nine months before Seamus Bradley’s murder, British Brigadier General Frank Kitson said “law should be used as another weapon in the government’s arsenal… little more than a propaganda cover for disposal of unwanted members of the public.” Behind this propaganda cover, the crown legally rubber-stamped the ‘disposal’ of Seamus Bradley, Ballymurphy Massacre victims, Springhill-Westrock victims and so many others. Meanwhile they lauded British troops and the Royal Ulster Constabulary, for using “minimum force” only “within the rule of law” to “uphold law and order.”The coroner sent a copy of the file to the Crown Director of Public Prosecutions for consideration of criminal charges.
C-Loyalist flute band taunts Derry Bloody Sunday victims-
The members of the Clyde Valley Flute Band, from Larne, wore a British Army Paratroop Regiment insignia with the letter “F” on their shirts to parade in Derry, where 14 Bloody Sunday victims were murdered by the Parachute Regiment. The letter “F” honored the trooper from the regiment charged with murdering two civil rights marchers and wounding two others.( His name has not been made public and he is referred to in Court documents only as “Soldier F.”) The emblem was sewn into uniform sleeves for the Apprentice Boys of Derry parade on August 10th,despite a pledge from parade organizers to local residents not to display any provocative symbols. The emblem was viewed as an insult to Derry, since there is no connection between the Paratroopers and the city except Bloody Sunday. Residents had met with the parade organizers before the parade and expressed concerns about the possibility of offensive displays of support for the trooper facing murder charges. Tony Doherty, the son of Bloody Sunday victim Patrick Doherty called the insignia “deliberately insulting and provocative”. Meanwhile several leading Democratic Unionist Party members including MP Gregory Campbell, and Stormont Assembly members Edwin Poots and Gary Middleton, posed for photographs under a banner bearing the Parachute Regiment insignia, in Derry before the parade. While that banner did not bear any specific reference to murder accused “Soldier F,” the meaning seems obvious.
D-Tyrone man faces trial for taking down UVF terror banner-
Sixty-five year old Frank McGirr, will face a criminal trial, charged with taking down a banner paying tribute to notorious Glenanne gang member Wesley Somerville. Somerville was one of the Dublin-Monahan bombers and Miami Showband murderers. Frank McGirr, whose brother Colm was murdered by the British Army’s SAS along with Brian Campbell in 1983,is being prosecuted for removing a banner honoring Somerville from a public lamppost in Moygashel, County Tyrone in June 2017. Somerville was a member of the British Army’s Ulster Defense Regiment, the illegal Ulster Volunteer Force and the infamous Glenanne Gang. He was part of the UVF gang which planted 4 bombs in Dublin and Monaghan, on May 17,1974, killing 33 people. Somerville was himself killed when the bomb he and Harris Boyle were attempting to put in a minibus being driven by the Miami Showband went off prematurely. Somerville with other UVF members wearing British Army UDR uniforms had set up a fake checkpoint outside Newry on the main road to Dublin. They stopped the minibus and ordered band members to stand at the side of the road. Somerville was attempting to place the bomb under the driver’s seat when it went off. The other UVF members opened fire on the 5 musicians killing 3 of them. The loyalist Moygashel Residents ‘Association said they wanted the banner because “Somerville was very much a part of the Protestant culture of Ulster.”
Malachy McAllister’s fight against deportation is nearing another critical point. He is an example of Britain’s policy of making political points with Irish victims. Malachy has multiple grounds which should entitle him to legal permanent residence under American law. He is a prominent AOH member, key member of the National FFAI Committee, and respected member of the Irish-American community. He was a political prisoner decades ago in a war that is long over, after being targeted by British agents within loyalist paramilitaries.
We need AOH members, particularly those represented by Republican Senators or Congressmen to take action. Already a Call to Action, from our National President, was answered by state chairs in Texas and South Carolina, and gotten important support.
The AOH was able to accomplish this because AOH members in local districts contacted representatives and said Irish Americans in their constituency wanted them to take a stand and support Malachy. If we can get Congressional or Senate support especially in the Judiciary Committee we can move the bill forward and keep Malachy McAllister here!!!
Last November Carmel Quinn’s tour for the Ballymurphy Massacre victims was a heralded success for the Ballymurphy families, for the AOH and for getting crucial American support for legacy justice. Proceedings like the Bradley or Ballymurphy inquests are rewriting lies with truth and destroying British fairytale myths about their dirty war in Ireland. Alongside Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Tories are vowing to end what they call “unfair prosecutions” of British troopers for murdering the Irish, where the word unfair should read any. They want to stall or weaken any mechanisms which might give families justice. The AOH will try to combat Britain’s legacy cover-up by bringing back Mark Thompson, of Relatives for Justice, in mid-November. Our National VP Danny O’Connell, National Director Denny Parks and National FFAI Committee member Sean O’Dowd are setting up events in Chicago and Ohio. We are trying to bring Mark to Washington, Philadelphia, Albany and the Bronx with more locations being added and the schedule still being put together.
Mark’s visit to Washington can be another step in building up a network of Congressmen, who are aware of key FFAI issues and the importance of Irish issues to voters in their district. Brothers living in Congressional districts across the country, are a key part of building that network. Ask your Congressman to meet Mark Thompson in Washington and get a briefing on Boris Johnson’s legacy cover-up!
We have just received the special premiums or gifts for $1000 donors to the Christmas Appeal. This year the premium is a mounted bodhran, specially made for AOH or LAOH donors by Tyrone ex-prisoners. Your FFAI contributions mean a great deal and these specially made premiums show how highly we are regarded !
Past New York State President Vic Vogel, Jeff Nisler
Please read the monthly FFAI Bulletin in the AOH national email blasts, or on the New York State and National AOH web sites. We want to give you monthly updates on key events in the north with short analysis and explanation.