Hartford AOH Division 2 had a busy end of summer and beginning of fall. The Division continues to have monthly food drives to benefit the Food Pantry at Saint Augustine Church in Hartford and also collected school supplies in August and September. The Division plans to work with Saint Augustine to help others for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
The Division has held monthly meetings – both in-person practicing social distancing and in a virtual format. Dr. John Tully, chairperson of the history department of Central Connecticut State University, was the guest speaker at the August meeting and spoke on topics included in his book Ireland and Irish Americans, 1932-1945: The Search for Identity. Our September speaker was Dr. Mary Burke, of the English department and Irish studies at the University of Connecticut, who spoke on her research of tensions between the post-Famine Irish and Scots-Irish and Anglo elites in Philadelphia.
The Division was honored that new National AOH president Brother Danny O’Connell joined their September meeting virtually and addressed the group.