Irish Pro-Life USA will be hosting a Global Leadership Forum for the advancement of Pro-Life & Pro-Family values on Wednesday December 9th at 7PM EST on YouTube Live. Join us for updates and reports from both sides of the Atlantic with calls to action and reflections on positive change for the dignity and protection of human life.
The Keynote Speaker will be, Peadar Tóibín TD, Leader of Aontú, Ireland’s Pro-Life & Fastest Growing Political Party.
Special Guests: Fr. Stephen Imbarrato; Daniel O’Connell, National President, Ancient Order of Hibernians in America; Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO, Americans United for Life; Chris Slattery, Founder & President, EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers.
RSVP via email with Name & Address to irishprolifeusa@yahoo.com or text 973-529-4699.